Here To Guide You Through Your Family Law Concerns

Help With Child Support

When parents divorce or unmarried parents separate, both parents remain responsible for the care and well-being of minor children. One parent must often provide child support payments to the other to help pay for the child’s needs.

In California, child support is determined by statutory guidelines that take into account factors such as the number of children, the income of each parent and the needs of the child.

Child Support Is More Than A Formula

While the process of establishing child support orders is often straightforward, there are situations that can make it decidedly more complex. For instance, if one parent is self-employed, unemployed, underemployed or hiding income, it may require investigative tactics to uncover the facts.

Whatever your situation, the attorneys at Sherlock // Anderson, PC, are here to protect your rights and guide you through the child support process. We are committed to protecting our clients’ parental rights and the best interests of their children.

Knowledgeable In All Facets Of Child Support Law

Our attorneys can represent you in any child support-related matter, including:

  • Child support modifications (seeking a modification of orders or trying to stop one that will adversely affect your child)
  • Enforcement actions
  • Addressing child support arrears

Our Lawyers Are Here To Help

When a legal matter affects your child, the stakes are enormous. We understand and we can help. To learn more or to schedule your initial consultation with an experienced child support attorney, please contact us online or by telephone at 916-757-6630.

With law offices in Roseville, we handle child support issues and other family law matters for clients throughout the Sacramento area.